Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dome of Doom Comic / Day 12

Super awesome happy fun times in Wayfairer Foothills. Idiot Norn....

Anime Challenge: THE TWELFTH DAY:
Saddest Anime Scene
(spoilers *probably*)

Some animes make it a point to be depressing sometimes. Maybe it's because the medium (animation) makes doing so easier than say, live action, or maybe it's because Japan's just kind of evil like that.

For most depressing I'll have to go with Attack on Titan. No real scene, just...God the whole show up til now. Just EVERYBODY dies. Horribly, with most if not all the graphic horror on full display.

The worst of it is they take the time to actually build these characters. You just get to know someone, and BAM dead. Oh that character has funny quirks! Surely he's- No, he's dead now.

Even better is how they portray the aftermath of these killings, going to great lengths to show pure, raw emotion. It's awful. And amazing.

Whip out those tissues, what's your saddest anime moment?

1 comment:

  1. Another great comic. I just don't know how you do it. If I had that good a computer art skill I would have Coyote Comics on mine. Or hell, images.

    Saddest Anime Scene. Let me think...

    I don't want to say scene, really, but it was more of the end of Cowboy Bebop for me.

    I can think of a ton of sad scenes from a ton of animes, but the ending of an anime that really got me emotionally was the wrapping up of Cowboy Bebop.


    The music itself that is played when the ending of a character's story comes adds to it. I really think there is something in us that when a certain tune, tone, or note is played it just makes us want to cry and a few of the songs in the show did that for me, especially near the end when everything is closing up.

    You have Ed who finally finds her father but he goes off again and Ed is left with the feeling of growing up and needing to move on. She tries to sneak away but Ein finds her and together they leave, not knowing where or what is going to happen to them. There is Faye who finally found out about her past and where she grew up and it's all gone now. Family, friends, who she used to be. With this in her head she too knows its time to move on. Then Spike, beautiful Spike, who finally gets Julia back, she dies, he decides its time to end this, he makes it into the syndicate building with the help of someone who stayed in the syndicate waiting for Spike to come back and take over and he dies loyally, and then you see Spike coming down the stairs after a finish with Vicious that was epic and he dies because he is finally free. Vicious was the only one who could kill him, he was the only one who could kill Vicious and its all that way. Finally he dies and his spirit set free into the universe and after getting to know that character, it hurts you somehow even though you know it was what he wanted. And then there is Jet who is left on the Bebop, his partner gone and he is once again alone not able to do anything but act like he doesn't care. Sure he might have Faye at times but who was she compared to Spike?

    It's just all really sad in its own way and I haven't seen anything sadder.
