Monday, September 16, 2013

Comic and a Question

Game physics are funny.

Dark Souls has done a magnificent job of adding the illusion of weight behind weapon swings and enemy attacks. However it appears the only thing with any mass in this game is the souls and weapons themselves, for once an enemy is dead it immediately turns into a rag doll made of weightless rubber. Sticky rubber. Made of deeeeeeeeeeead bodies.

The Thirty Day Anime Challenge: THE FIFTH DAY
The Anime I Am Most Ashamed to Have Liked
*spoilers, not so much*

I can't say I've ever been ashamed of anything I've watched to fruition. I generally play it safe with my animes, preferring the shonen variety over some of the other genres. While I'm not ashamed of anything I've liked, I can list a few shows I'm ashamed to say I watched far more of than I should have, for one reason or another.

One such abomination is Powerpuff Girls Z, a bizarre alternate reality of the Powerpuff Girls show I grew up with, Japanimationized.

The art style is similar to a modernized Astroboy. Professor X didn't create the girls, rather his son decided 'whats wrong with committing a few crimes against humanity' and dumps a bunch of chemicals into the atmosphere, resulting in three random (and unrelated) girls gaining super powers instead of cancer. I think I stuck with this mutated freak of a show for about two episodes when I should have punched out the screen 10 seconds in.

The other show I spent a bit more time on, although many of the episodes I watched weren't in order. Not that it mattered, as the things I DID see were enough to make me question whether a truly just and loving God exists. Because if there was such a being, this pile of wtf would never have existed.

I shall not name this monster aloud, for to utter it's name is to risk it's reappearance, a fate my heart cannot bear. Let's just say this beast of a show stomped my childhood into the ground like an Ōzaru stomps a baby bunny.

What anime are you most ashamed of?

1 comment:

  1. I love the comics you do. The graphics are amazing and I have to admit I am jealous! You are doing a great job.

    As for animes I am ashamed I like, I have to agree with you. I generally have a safety zone that I attend to constantly. But, I too have an anime that I am ashamed I watched more then I should have.

    Fooly Cooly. I despised that show. The animation, the story line, everything- but it was like a train wreck that I watched. I could count how many episodes I watched on one hand but reguardless, that is one hand to many!
