Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Thirty Day Animeeeeeeeeeeee Challenge!!!

Seems all the cool kids these days are getting into this 'thirty day anime challenge' thing. I wanna be a cool kid too. TELL ME I'M COOL!

So for the next 30 days I'll be giving you guys a daily bonus in the form of my all time favorite anime stuffs! 
*WARNING* Spoilers WILL happen. I won't apologize, as it's your own damn fault for not watching already!
Let's get started!

My first ever anime

Easy one. My first ever anime was Dragonball Z, like many other youngsters with Cartoon Network in the late 90's-early 2000's. I started watching it because at the time my younger brother was a fan, and thus for half an hour each day it was on the living room TV. I'd watch as well because A: it was easy to make fun of and B: it was on the house's main TV in the middle of the afternoon. What was I supposed to do, go outside? *pssh*

The shift came quickly, however. I started the show in the Frieza Saga about the time the Ginyu Force shows up, and by the time Goku went Super Saiyan I was hooked.

What was your first anime?


  1. If you have never seen it, watch the work done by Team Four Star on Youtube. Their "Abridged" works are hysterical. Plus their 3 part Helsing Abridged has got to be some of the funniest stuff I have ever seen but it might not be for the kids.

  2. Oh, I am quite familiar with Team Fourstar....And I too like to go on walks. VERY enthusiastic walks...
