Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaay Nine!

Anime Challenge: THE NINTH DAY:
My favorite anime villain
*spoilers y'all*

I do love me some classic bad guys. The dudes who are dripping with villainous intentions. The guys who are evil for the sake of being evil. 

Their simplicity is what makes me love them. Burned down an orphanage? 'Cause I'm evil. Stole candy from a baby? 'Cause I'm evil. Punched a puppy in the face? 'Cause I'm FREAKING EVIL *shrug*.  It's the stark contrast between good and bad, black and white, that I love. No gray area here, just a spike moat for their lazer sharks. 

But, for my favorite of the baddies, I like someone a bit more...subtle. Akihiko Kayaba, aka Heathcliff from the first story arc of Sword Art Online. Kayaba creates a virtual reality helmet, builds a massive virtual world, sticks a bunch of people in it, and kills them if they try to leave. Or i they die in game. Or if some outside source completely outside the player's control damages or deprives the helmet of power for longer than its battery can survive. 

Adding insult to injury is his placing himself as a prominent figure among the players, simply to play out his story line of betrayal once the players reach level 100 (the beating of which would free everyone still trapped), wherein he would reveal himself to be the final boss. 

But in the end he is discovered, long before his, shall we say scheduled appearance, and an answer is demanded of him: For what reason has he jeopardized, even stolen, the lives of thousands? For what cause was so great that he robbed people of their very lives, both literally and figuratively?

Hell if he remembers. 

Seriously. He doesn't remember. Two years into his mad plan for (virtual) world domination, and he has already forgotten. Just...*poof*.

So, maybe you have a more concrete answer: Who is your favorite villain? 


  1. Favorite villain?

    I pitty people who say things like Sesshoumaru, Vegeta, Harry McDougal, Team Rocket, people like that. Let's face it, they aren't really villains.

    Naraku from Inuyasha, Sensui from Yu Yu Hakusho, Buu Cell from Dragon Ball Z, Cain from Trinity Blood, Vicious from Cowboy Bebop, Lord Hazanko from Outlaw Star.

    Those there are bad guys,

    But my favorite would have to be the undeniably evil Knives from Trigun. With his complete and utter belief that humans are scum and needs to be wiped from the earth no matter who they are. Children, women, saints, newborns. His true darkness, the complete opposite from Vash's kind heart, is a true villain and I have to say my favorite.


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  4. Michael Bay, yes him. He destroyed a social icon and made hundreds of millions of dollars doing it. Though he did not kill anyone directly, his work did cost one person their life. He's a real world villain for sure.
