Thursday, September 26, 2013

That's DOCTOR Geeky Cat to you/ Day 10

You don't let a cat perform surgery. You also don't let a cat control a spacey idiot while he performs surgery. Seriously. Don't. People die. 

Today I played a little Nintendo DS title called Trauma Center: UNDER THE KNIFE, which follows the medical malpractice suit-in-the-making of Dr. (giggle) Derek Stiles. A new surgeon fresh from his internship, Derek is a surgeon with something to prove, man, and so far hes managed to prove that he really shouldn't have lives placed in his hands... Or anything sharp, for that matter. 

*beep*beep*BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP* Yup, looks like I'll need that fourth needle after all...*BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*

Seriously, this guy is such a hardcore slacker the head nurse considered postponing a move with her husband so she can minimize casualties left in his wake. 

So far The game has been largely characterized by brutally precise gameplay, verbally abusive characters, and forgettable anime-esque sprites. But it's a fun game. Lets see how many lawsuits I can dodge before my body count gets me kicked from the hospital!

Anime Challenge: THE TENTH DAY:
My favorite fighter anime

An argument can be made that most Shonen style animes are 'fighter' types, at least in spirit. I do love me some cartoonishly muscular dudes beating each other over the head with cars and magic beams of death, but I wouldn't call them 'fighter' animes, at least most of them. 

As for favorites, Hajime No Ippo tops my list. With the manga running in the hundreds of chapters (been going since the late 1980's) and the anime gearing up for a new season soon, Hajime No Ippo follows the boxing career of Ippo Makunouchi, a boy who overcame his shyness and bullying once a boxing school discovered he had a helluva right hook. 

The show (and manga) do an amazing job of making the fights just as interesting and, shall I say painful to watch as anything from Dragon Ball Z, without a single super power in sight. 

So how do you like your anime ass kickings? Super-natural or realistic? Whats your favorite fighter anime? 

1 comment:

  1. What exactly is a "fighting anime" anyway? Cause, I mean, to me any anime with a majority of fighting in it is a fighting anime. Like Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoids, Gundams, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin.. I mean hell, Yu Yu's storyline is based on fighting.

    So.. zoids? Yu yu? those would be my choice.
