Thursday, August 22, 2013


I...*sigh*...I'm at a loss today, guys.

First off, some more grade-A parenting on behalf of Jeff's dad and Ness' mom. Jeff's dad was kind enough to point out that Jeff apparently still wets the bed in front of his friends (knowing this despite not seeing him for 10 years...) and Ness' mom hung up on him to go watch softcore cable porn. *sigh*

I guess I should go try and find my extra inventory space...I mean Paula...yeah, Paula. Anyway, this means going down the monkey hole, and I don't mean that figuratively (...*shutter*). Maze like already, the monkey cave has the added bonus of demanding little chimps who want...something. Some want hamburgers, others pizza. Regardless of what they want, I can't pass them until I hand it over. One wanted something called the King Banana, but lord knows what that was. I eventually fed enough monkeys to get to a kindly old floating  man, who gives me the yogurt machine the terrible deliveryman from Fourside failed to bring. Yeah yeah, that's cool and all, but he also teaches me how to teleport! Sweet! No more hour long trips back and forth between towns.

I get back to the surface and decide to give this teleport a whirl, so I select 'teleport' from my 'PP' menu, then choose 'Fourside' as my destination...then I promptly lurch forward, running headfirst into a rock. Well that's silly, I'm not so much teleporting as I am just running somewhere really fast...

Back at the Monotoli building the lady from the bar rips the yogurt machine from my hands, thanking me and running. Whatevs, not like I want trout flavored yogurt (the only flavor it's capable of making). With her permission I can now ride the elevator past the 47th floor, and straight to Mr. Monotoli's quarters.

Seems Mr. Monotoli's into robots. His models aren't bad, a bit weak, but then a small, wobbly robot sees me from across the room and decides "meh, I got this."

And, painful as it may be, it seemed for a while he was right. Despite spending most of his turns falling over or losing hardware, the Clumsy Robot still whooped my ass up the hallway and back. My PP attacks won't land, half of my physical attacks won't land, and in the mean time he slowly but surely whittles away at my health. So there I sit. Considering my next move. I am out of food. I am out of PP. I am almost out of health.

Then, the music changes.

Like the sound of a choir of crappy angels, the theme of the Runaway Five erupts into full crescendo. One of them sneaks around and flips the apparently very obvious 'off' switch on the back of the robot. Those kill-stealing bastards...

Grumbling to myself I open the door and confront the eviiiiiiiil Monotoli. Except he isn't evil. He's just stupid. He happily throws Paula back to me (yup, know how you feel, bro) and tells me I can have his helicopter if I don't murder him or something.

Except Pokey has stolen the helicopter.........*sigh*

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