Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kitty Pong

Sorry for my lack of posts, or pictures. I've been busy lately with a project long overdue: cleaning out the storage tubs in my spare room.

Now, I am doing this for two reasons. One, the last few times we've moved I've chucked all manner of nonsense in them, regardless of what it was or if we needed it. And two, because I need the extra room in that spare room to set up a studio. Ya know, for art and junk. But, never fear! I have been playing. Or rather I've been wandering...

Of the time I spent playing Earthbound today, I'd guess only about, oh, 20% of it was me actually accomplishing anything?

I basically spent the other 80% running in circles. Starting in the resort town of Summers, I knew I had to get into the Stoic Club, but I couldn't figure out how to get in. I eventually wandered into the museum, where a researcher mentioned he had no idea what the Fourside researcher was going on  about blah blah blah, so I took that as a hint and headed back to Fourside. The researcher there requests an autograph from Venus, the latest singer at the local theater since the Runaway Five...well, ran away. No big deal, I can get that. You want it on toilet paper? Weird bro but ok. But hey, while I'm at it I may as well watch a show, right?

Venus takes the stage alone, performing under a spot light. The music plays, and a strange silhouette passes in front of the stage, disappearing on the other side. When the shadow comes back I recognize him as the Fourside Museum researcher, doing his best impression of a creepy fanboy stalking the object of his fandom. He finally gets bold and rushes the stage, only to be tackled by two burly security guards and drug off the stage. Now THAT was a show worth paying for!

So I get Venus' autograph, not on toilet paper but on a banana peel! Off I head to the researcher, first checking the museum but knowing full well he might be in the police department. But it's at this point as I return to the museum I notice a pattern: In Summers they charged me five bucks a head to get to the museum. Then in Fourside I had to pay another ten a piece. At the concert hall I had to pay $30, then to deliver the package was another $15.

And what was my reward for my services? I get to crawl down a hole, wade through sewage, and fight a nasty rat! Yay me!

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