Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ooo a vine...

I bow to your never ending wisdom, master Moogle. Never again shall I neglect your advice. I have seen the error of my ways, and I have learned. Oh have I learned........

Yet again I am playing FFIX (after yet again being shown my own internal organs in Dark Souls by the Taurus Demon. Yes, Mr. Demon. They are very pretty. No no, I most certainly do appreciate the way my blood sparkles in the light!). After finally meeting up with my favorite character of the game, Freya, and getting my monkey-tailed butt handed to me by her in the Festival of the Hunt, we are now off to her home nation of  Burmecia.

Oh but first we have to make a quick dash through Gizamaluke's Grotto, a place that even in adulthood I cannot pronounce (mostly because I don't care to try). It occurs to me that perhaps it would have been to my benefit to have done a bit of level grinding before heading straight here. At level 7 I certainly survive fights, but I feel as though I shouldn't be using a potion on everyone at the end of every battle.

Good old Moogles, always perfectly situated just where I need them. But whats this? A climbable vine in the Moogle room I had never noticed before? Why this seems the perfect opportunity for adventure! Whats that, Mr. Moogle? It's dangerous up here? Poppycock! I got this!

Atop the vine I found myself in a small grassy area with two large forest type things (PS1 graphics can be....abstract). Neat, I though, emerging from one of the forest...things. Lets see whats in the other forest...thing! Halfway to my destination the screen swirls and battle music booms triumphantly as I find myself face to face with...a dragon. Well crap.

Since silk shirts and leather hats don't protect particularly well against a Thundaga spell to the face, I reloaded my save from the game over screen and promptly ran in the opposite direction, toward the thing I was actually supposed (and capable, theoretically) to be killing: Gizamaluke. He too proceed to murder the three brave (and one annoying) warriors in my party.

Ok, I have him this time. Stupid fish can't fight me if he has A TENT IN HIS FACE! With above mentioned tent in his face Gizamaluke was pretty easy. I should probably level grind now.....

In a non-gaming note, Aaron and I earned our blue belt in karate today. YAY BLUE BELT!

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