Friday, January 10, 2014

A Cultic Classic

Monsters Den Chronicles is a click-to-move dungeon crawler on the website Armor Games.

That... That's about it. It's very... Basic? Basic's a word...

Well, let's start from the beginning. Monsters Den Chronicles starts just like many other fantasy RPG's before it: Party formation. You have four classes to choose from, each with two versions of that class. Pick your pals and choose your difficulty level.

Naturally I kick it kindergarten style at 'beginner'. The game also allows you to choose your own punishment should you die: Lose experience, items, or game over/go home. A neat little choice, one which lost much of it's novelty as I entered minute five of trying to decide which fate was worse.

After choosing the first campaign I get dropped in a dank labyrinth of a dungeon with orders to hunt down some cult and figure out what culty things they're up to.

Game play is as simple as it gets. Click on a room, walk into the room. If the path you're walking is red, you're about to have company. The battle mechanics are pretty basic too.  Shuffle your guys around your side of the field until you're ready, then it's good old fashioned turn-based combat.

Most of the enemies you encounter are Cult Guardians or Acolytes, the latter of which have a chance to summon a Void Stalker. Kill the baddies, get TEH MAD LEWTZ (or the treasure, in functional human-speak), then click yourself around the next corner.

Iunno, Parthan, my old one was even more purple...

Like other RPG's you can upgrade your armor and weapons, usually after finding new gear killing monsters, because clearly the rusted piles of pure tetanus you find on the floor of a dilapidated dungeon make for better protection than whatever scraps you walked in with. My brave warriors are also kind enough to point out "nah, I like what I got on" whenever I try to equip them with anything slightly rustier than their current garb.

Prima donnas.

Play It or Pass It: Play it. It is a 'click to move fantasy dungeon-crawler'. Nothing more. Nothing less. Pure Vanilla.

Like predictability as much as I do? Play it here, and let me know what you think!

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