Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Super Ghouls and Galled / Day 15

For the month of Scaretober Dark Souls is being usurped for my Monday Madness rage needs. Replacing it is Super Ghouls and Ghosts, for the Super Nintendo.

Now, when Aaron told me this was the Dark Souls of the retro world, I thought he was merely exaggerating. An attempt at cleverness, if you will. But hooooooooooooooooooooooly cow omg he's right omg he's riiiiiiiiiight!

While dying isn't so much a part of the game play as it is in Dark Souls, you certainly do alot of it. More even, I'd say. Even on the 'beginner' difficulty setting I die faster than a snowflake in Mount Doom. Nine lives wasn't enough to so much as reach the checkpoint in the first level, let alone beat it, and this is even after I watched Aaron play through it. I knew what was coming, and still I failed. Hard. Right on my face.

The game begins as any medieval story involving a knight should: In a castle with a princess in his arms. But of course our brave knight wouldn't get his chance at second base, for a flying demon...thing...hopped through the window and filled his damsel-stealing quota for the month. With nary a cold shower in sight, our brave knight sets off on his quest to save his fair maiden.

Level one: A graveyard, of course, but a graveyard that's either built directly on a fault line or suffering from a nasty case of the giant moles. The ground raises as you run and hop your way through hellhounds and zombies, one hit from which will reduce you from a glorious warrior in shining steel to some guy in his underwear, and a second of which kills you dead.

A game over under my belt in under ten minutes. A new record, even for me.

This will be a loooooooong month.

Anime Challenge: THE FIFTEENTH DAY:
My favorite animal companion

(Most) animals are absolutely adorable by their nature, albeit sometimes quite scary. Anime animals crank that cuteness up to eleven. Ein is an example of that cuteness in action.

Ein (or Einstein, because of course it is) is the super intelligent corgi companion in Cowboy Bebop. Why?

Because like the queen of England, I have an obsession with corgis. They're the big dog in the iddy biddy doggie body. And they're awesome.

So how about you? Which animal costar would you rather scratch behind the ears?

1 comment:

  1. Luna from Sailor Moon!

    Not only could she keep me from doing anything stupid, but I would love a cat that talks instead of thinking what the hell my cats are thinking. I would even take Artemis and Diana too!

    Good luck on the game!!!
