Thursday, October 3, 2013

Slendy and Friends / Day 14

Slender Man is the biggest douche I have ever encountered. Well...Maybe not the biggest... That's a title that changes hands about once a week. He's certainly the skinniest.

Seriously, every time I start to make ANY progress, he tails me long enough to get his rocks off, then grabs me, whips me around, and game over.

The good news is I've realized the game isn't random, at least not entirely and not in the way I thought. The start area is always the same, and I'm getting a better feel for the landscape, but the page locations do seem random.

Yup, gonna count that one as a loss

With this astonishing revelation I was able to up my personal best to four whole pages!!! Yay me!!! But Slendy wasn't having me steal the fanfic or poetry or whatever he keeps hidden all over the woods. *REEEEEEEEEEE*PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH* GOD DAMN IT YES YOU CAUGHT ME!! Maybe you can be a bit QUIETER about it! *Clutches chest and exhales slowly*

Contrary to my previous thoughts, the game is actually a little scarier with the lights on, and with friends on Skype. The lights make it harder to see once the flashlight starts to go, and the odd sounds made over the speakers at random times caused as many jumps as Slendy himself.

Has anyone else played Slender: The Eight Pages? How many could you get?

Anime Challenge: THE FOURTEENTH DAY:
What anime never gets old

I am a person who does not like new things. It's part of the reason I started this blog, to force myself to play something other than Skyrim or Legend of Zelda. The same goes for movies and TV shows. I will happily watch the same movie again and again and again, hissing at the mere mention of an unknown title, so I guess you can say there are ALOT of shows, anime and otherwise, I can watch over and over and over.

But the anime I can (and have) watch a million billion times is Cromartie High School. 

Cromartie follows Kamiyama: a normal, well behaved teenager who happens to attend a school for delinquents. Among his classmate are a robot, a gorilla, Freddy Mercury, and an adult plane jacker posing as a teenage boy. 

The show doesn't make a lick of sense...Which makes it one of the most awesome things...Well, ever. 

Fire up your streaming provider of choice, what anime can you watch for the rest of forever?


  1. So, Slender is about you trying to collect as many pages as you can of the 8 before he gets you? What happens once you get all eight? You gotta get them and tell me!!

    What anime never gets old? Do you have to ask? Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho. I can also watch Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, and Rurouni Kenshin but those three are the tops.

  2. On Steam there is a Gary's mod game where there are up to 16 people in a level all looking for pages and one Slender Man walking around torturing the other players. It's called Stop It Slender! If you like Slendy you should check it out. Everybody wants to come to the party........
