Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Yankin' My Chains

One of my favorite things in Guild Wars 2 is something called the Living Story (or Living World. It got changed at some point, but I prefer the old name), which is a great overarching story line that affects the entire game, rather than a small instance created for a player(s). The story so far has been running for about a year and a half, with the rogue Sylvari Scarlet Briar as the delightfully insane antagonist.

Now, I won't go into details about what's going on so far (find those here!), but long story short Scarlet has managed to build an army consisting of Tyria's least desirable forces: The mole monsters Dredge and the Charr's fallen Flame Legion make up the Molten Alliance, the worm-like Krait and the Sylvari's Nightmare Court joined as the Toxic Alliance, and the Aetherblade pirates all joined to help Scarlet achieve...Well, we don't really know what she's after. Not exactly yet. But it involves alot of watchwork robo-butts.

And robo-stilettos.

As of this posting Scarlet's great watchwork Marionette hangs above the Shiverpeak Mountains in Lornar's Pass. Defeating her is a trial requiring literally a hundred great warriors and mages to band together for the goal of cutting her down.

And there in lies the problem.

See, I play in the server Dragonbrand. And Dragonbrand players...are dicks.

"Oh nooooooooo, I don't wanna go fight the marionette...I already finished the thing and we'll just fail anywaaaay"

Well with that attitude we will, jackass!

With barely enough players to fill one of the five lanes needed for the fight (around 20-25 are needed for each) it became almost impossible to pull off even a single chain cut, let alone the five needed to ground her. Sick of my server's lack of enthusiasm (and frankly, their overall bad attitude), Aaron and I paid a quick visit to our original sever, Tarnished Coast.

Why...Why did we ever transfer? This place..it's almost magical how much more seriously the players take the Living Story... and the game overall. They actually discuss the game's lore, instead of moaning about how unoriginal and boring Scarlet is. They encourage each other rather than belittle...

The best part of all? Despite this being its final night, people are still doing the current Living Story: The actually marionette has five full lanes! We're still failing, but damn it there's effort!

Really, a little effort is all we can ask in light of robo-nipples.

While Aaron and I collect the necessary resources to make our stay in TC a little more permanent, a dark wind begins to blow. Scarlet has her next target in her sights: Tomorrow, the most prominent city in all of Tyria, a central hub of trade and activity, will fall.


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