Monday, February 17, 2014

Griffe de l'amour

Happy belated Valentine's Day and Singles Awareness Day! I believe my recent tardiness to be excusable, as I have been stuck in bed for two days! Yay!

Valentine's Day has come and gone. Some couples spent the day of love on romantic candle-lit dinners or exchanging tokens of their affections.

Aaron and I exchanged germs.

Now, being sick on Valentine's day would ruin most couple's plans, but not us. We spent our holiday vacationing in beautiful Tyria, in the province of Frostgorge Sound. A chilly local to be sure, but perfect for hunting Claws...of the Jormag variety.

Yes, we spent Valentine's Day (and today. Don't judge us, we're still sick) on the ultimate multiplayer game: an MMORPG, and Guild Wars 2 was the perfect choice.

Now, the Claw of Jormag fight is a type of event called a world event, one which is both more difficult and more rewarding than other events. The Claw is an icy level 80 dragon, lieutenant of the Elder Dragon Jormag, and can be, quite frankly, a bitch of an event.

Isn't he cute?

Now, usually the group taking down the Claw numbers in the dozens: 30, 40 players all manning bazookas or protecting bomb wielding golems.


On this day our numbers were closer to ten. Just ten players to take down the Claw's protective wall, while besieged on all sides by the Claw's minions. Players would be rezzed only to drop again seconds later. Yet despite the overwhelming odds against us the Claw's defenses slowly but steadily fell. It seemed we may yet stand a chance...

As the Claw again took to the air the NPC forces on the ground shot it down, grounding it a short distance away. For this leg of the battle we were lucky to be joined by another ten or so players, but the clock was still ticking down. We had very little time to chip away a whooping half of the beast's health, something we could only achieve if the bomb-carrying golems managed to survive long enough to deliver their packages.

With but with two of our thirty minute time limit remaining we finally felled the beast. It was by and far the most satisfying Claw battle either of us have ever taken part in.

Sweet, sweet challenge.

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