Thursday, December 19, 2013

*click* *click* COOKEHS! *click* *click* *click*

Video games may not have been around for very long in the grand scheme of human existence, but since its creation it has left an eternal and irreplaceable mark on our species. Gaming has the ability to draw its audience into fantastical worlds in ways movies and books never could, making heroes of men, women, and children alike.

Gaming as a whole is inherently good.

Once in a while, however, a seed of evil is planted. Hiding among the good sprouts until it breaches the soil and blooms into the world, these games are unrepentant in their wickedness, drawing victim after victim down into the abyss.

Now, I'm not talking about bad games, I'm talking about evil games. This brings me...To Cookie Clicker.

Cookie Clicker is exactly what it sounds like: Clicking cookies...To get more cookies.That's it. That's the game play. All of it. You click a cookie to make more cookies.

But you can't get very many cookies simply by clicking! No, you need far more cookies than mere clicking can allow, so the unbreakable chain begins. See, you can spend the cookies you've earned (by clicking the cookie) to buy tools, such as additional cursors to click for you, and grandmas working 'round the clock on production. As your CPS, or cookies-per-second, rises, so does your cookie making empire. You build farms and mines to strip the world of its natural cookie resources. You send ships to the deepest parts of space in search of planets with cookie dough cores to bring back home. You create a time machine so you can reclaim cookies before they were ever eaten.

Well Agnus, if you and the BINGO club hadn't called the Board of Health on me demanding insurance, I would still be paying you...In cookies. 

The game preys on a player's worse levels of OCD. Click the cookie, get a cookie. Click a cookie, get a cookie. Just click the cookie, one more time. Hey, now you get two cookies when you click the cookie. Now three. Now four. Now you get 16 cookies when you click the cookie. Spend a few cookies and buy a couple upgrades so you can now get 1,898 cookies every time you click the cookie. Spend a few more cookies and hire a few more grandmas. What do you do with all the cookies from your grandma army? You fund scientists to open portals to other dimensions so you can get their cookies too. Just a couple more clicks, and you can afford a new antimatter condenser, since all antimatter might as well be cookies.

This is your existence. All of it.
The numbers also skyrocket at a pace I didn't think allowable by physics, rewarding the player's frantic clicking with enough cookies to feed several small countries. Enough cookies to conquer the universe.

How pervasive is this disease? Aaron was the first victim, quickly becoming a sort of Typhoid Mary of cookies. He started playing sometime yesterday evening, and as we speak is thinking up ways to automate the clicking for him...As a click withheld is a cookie wasted. His first convert was our friend over at Kitsune Dream, who when tasked with cookie clicking laughed. Surely a game so ridiculous couldn't be so addictive, so all consuming, as Aaron claimed. A bold statement made while clicking away the entire time...A clicking that was still going strong three hours later.

I became the next sacrifice to Big Cookie. The elation I felt as my CPS rose higher and higher rivals that of my first meeting with Aaron. I wanted, no, needed more cookies. At time of writing my CPS is at a minuscule 879,787.9 cookies, compared to Kitsune's 52 million and Aaron's mind numbing 254,000,000 cookies per second...

Now I'm at 888,267.9 cookies every second, with an additional 17,877 every time I manually click on the cookie. I have 97 grandmas, three farms, a mine, three space ships, four alchemy labs, 16 dimensional portals, and seven time machines, all working to make all the cookies.

All of them.

*click*...*click*...*pause*...*click*...*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

1,013,658.3 cookies per second.

1,388,831.4 cookies per second.


2,779,009.9 cookies per second.

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