Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Well would you look at the time...

Well hello hello again! Hi, remember me? *lip quiver* Do you?

Yes I know, I've been scarce. However the game called life decided to suddenly pump the difficulty rating up a few notches. One move to a new town and countless job applications later, things still suck. But it is high time I pick this back up!

As of late I have only really played a few games, mostly of the pump-in-hour-upon-hour-and-still-be-no-closer-to-anything-resembling-a-conclusion variety: Terraria and Guild Wars 2.

Terraria is more or less 2D Minecraft,  in that it involves heavy exploration and the ability to build random nonsense out of blocks. It's crazy fun and massively addicting, and if you have the gaming service Steam I
highly recommend it.

Behold! The splendor of my fortress! Countless hours of my life have bled into its very foundation! BEHOLD!!

Meanwhile in good old GW2 I've had a bit of a surprise: I don't hate my Elementalist!

Like, at all. I actually kind of her. Despite spitting in the face of all my previous expectations of gaming (a game is only fun if I can wail on a poor beast with a giant rusty ax/hammer/sword), My tiny, squishy, kind of bitchy Elementalist has managed to survive her early beginnings taking beatings via large poisonous bugs (and literally everything else she tried to fight), now surviving quick fights with small handfuls of baddies, as long as they're relatively low level. I...I'm actually quite proud of her.


Oh...Oh god, what am I saying?! Quickly, to the warrior character!!!

Call that a knife? THIS is a...Well, it isn't a knife, but it is sharp!

Ah, that's better!

Now, to the future, specifically Geeky Cat's future. What with the ongoing job hunt (which would be, like, way easier with quest markers) and other RL priorities, posting every single day isn't exactly feasible.

Thusly, starting, oh, now, Geeky Cat will be posted on a three-plus times per week basis: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with occasional posts on the weekend.

Onward to the future!

1 comment:

  1. I still remember you! Looking forward to seeing more of you and I am so sorry that your hit hard times. Just remember to keep your head up and keep on moving "you might get out before the devil even knows your there" is a quote from a song I like to remember when going through "hell-ish" times.

    Glad to know your geeky side has been keeping up some game play though. It is a sort of release for people, I know. I hope all is well and I look forward to hearing more from you.
